Turbidity Barriers for Barges and Dredging Control

The Barge Silt Curtain is a localized turbidity control system designed to keep displaced sediment and solids contained during barge dredging operations. Made from impermeable fabric material, curtains are installed along the side of the barge to keep sediment contained to a central area. This allows sediment to fully settle before leaving the dredging location.

When compared to other Turbidity Curtains and installation systems, custom barge models allow for mechanical clamshell dredging or controlled material placement without the concern of suspended solid materials. This helps to increase effectiveness and prevents the spread of pollution around your location. It is important though, that care is taken to ensure the dredged area will not cause a build up of sediment that can weigh the curtain down.

dredging barge turbidity curtain

Ready to get your Type II Silt Barrier? Let’s discuss your questions on Type II Silt Curtain cost. Call our team at 1-772-646-0597 or fill out our quote request form to discuss your requirements.

Learn more about the Barge Turbidity Barrier

The Barge Turbidity Barrier is a custom containment option that helps to provide a localized area of turbidity control. By containing materials directly to the dredging area, these curtains minimize and limit disturbance to surrounding areas. Lowering and raising of the curtain is typically achieved through davits and mechanical winches.

To control the silt curtain skirt billow in current, we have control pipes that can be inserted against the side of the barge to ensure the work area does not get affected.

barge turbidity barrier

Barge Silt Curtain vs. Standard Turbidity Curtains

Turbidity and silt control is often essential during dredging operations. While the barge curtain can help with barge dredging operations, we also offer several standard turbidity curtain options to help contain materials in offshore or open water areas.

The main difference between barge silt curtains and standard turbidity curtains lies in their placement and construction. Barge curtains are specifically designed to hang vertically off the side of a deck. They will be installed around deck edges and raised and lowered as required. Standard curtains, by contrast, are made with a top flotation device that allows them to be placed directly in the water area. This can be especially useful in areas where no decks or equipment hanging is possible.

Other Turbidity Control Options

In addition to the barge barriers featured on this site, we also offer floating barriers to help control materials around other dredging areas. These curtains feature a top flotation device, bottom skirt (available depths: 3′ to 100′), bottom ballast chain and more. Please view our models below or give us a call at 1-772-646-0597 to discuss or you control requirements.